Feeding Hope, One Plate at a Time

Get Involved

Help build a Nicola Valley where everyone is food secure! Let’s get involved!

Food Reclaim

You can contribute as a business or individual by providing non-perishable food items.

Our Programs

Those in need can access the food bank’s programs to receive the help they need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore commonly asked questions about our food bank’s services.

Our impact
in numbers

Based on CDC data in 2022, it takes $1,263 to support a family in BC with their food expenses. At Nicola Valley, we strive to ensure every family is cared for.

These numbers drive us to consistently deliver our best, surpassing our own records. We take pride in our continuous growth, knowing we’re reaching and assisting more individuals each day.


Funds Raised

Individuals Fed

Food Provided

Foodbank Haul
Produce Haul
British Columbia

Together, we can build a Nicola Valley where hunger is a thing of the past.